Learn to teach yoga to children in 2024!
Live and In-person "on the job" trainings this Fall in NYC
Opportunities in English and Spanish
Hybrid trainings via ZOOM. Click here for more info.
LIVE private, semi-private and group trainings by appointment.
Asana Alphabet Yoga Storytime!
Subscribe to our youtube channel to stay up to date on new storytimes and other videos.
Enjoy this read aloud story that incorporates yoga poses and know how--this one in Spanish!
Disfruta este cuento en Español.
In Asana Alphabet News:
For several years running, we have participated in the In the Belize International Yoga Festival. Info on the 2023 event here. In 2021, we built a curriculum for school children in tandem with Rhythm of Change in Belize.
In the summers of 2021 and 2022, we worked with Hope Loves Company to support families who have or who had a family member with ALS.
If you would like to sponsor classes or sponsor a teacher to be trained to work in lower-income and/or higher -risk settings, please consider donating. To be on our email list for benefits and fundraisers, please let us know.
Asana Alphabet (tm) multi-age Partner Yoga Boat
Afterschool Yoga Mandalas: Diamond Pose
Artistic Savasana Creative Relaxation
Tree Pose fun in community yoga
Asana Alphabet Yoga in Latin America
The magic pose: Child's Pose
Downward dog: Age 2
Family Yoga: Gong
Class Two!
Clase en Español 2
Class Three!